Friday, April 26, 2019
Translating my Dutch BeOS driver howto documentation..
In the past months I have been working on finally translating my dutch BeOS driver howto document myself, as I would gladly see it available for anyone to read. Which has been a long standing problem as some of you might know..
While I am working on this, I am also adding some extra information here and there since it seems my knowledge has grown a bit more since I wrote the original, and also Haiku has evolved a lot!
Thinking about it, I remember I wrote this in 2003, and I did a lot of nVidia graphics driver work after that, using multiple cards in one system, and working on the 3D add-on. Some of the things I learned in that time now find their way into this document: the translated version that is.
I'm halfway done now, so I thought I'd post a PDF preview on my site. You can find it in each driver's 'downloads' section at the bottom of the page: alongside the original Dutch version and the old partial translation on the Haiku site as was done by some other people.
When the translation is finished, I'll also make the doc version available, and I hope it will be converted to the same nice format as you can currently see on the Haiku site for the old translation attempt..
OK, that's it for now.